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About Us

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Our Product

ArcologyX provides innovative small, medium and multi-family living spaces which function as Arcologies. Our services include design, engineering, and manufacturing of building materials/ equipment/ supplies.  We provide construction plans and on-site support for building unique, low-cost, ecological, ground-breaking buildings.  All of our buildings will incorporate some Arcology features such as growing food, producing energy, recycling waste, recycling air, etc.


Smart, co-operative businesses are social leaders.  ArcologyX will obtain members of the co-op who share our vision, mission, purpose and values. We will expand to multi-stakeholder memberships. Multi-stakeholder cooperatives are co-ops that are owned and controlled by more than one type of membership class such as consumers, producers, workers, volunteers, or community supporters. Stakeholders can be individuals or organizations such as non-profits, businesses, government agencies, or even other cooperatives.


Our initial target audience are homeowners who want to have a detached sunroom on their property which can also be used as an AirBnB rental.  

Our second target is community and multi-family housing with a greenhouse included.  ArcologyX will be contacting businesses, schools, agriculture, campgrounds, etc. to see if additional buildings are needed in ArcologyX style.

Specifically, our co-op company is identifying needs and is selecting the groups or segments  of customers we serve.

Our Future

In response to people, growth, climate and earth, ArcologyX will potentially design and offer other buildings that will improve our future.

Our final target is to have complete ArcologyX buildings that will work on MARS!!

Our Story

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  • Brand Strategy 80% 80%
  • Internet Marketing 60% 60%
  • App Development 50% 50%
  • Customer Happiness 90% 90%
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.
Team Member 1

Team Member 1

Company Role

Aenean consectetur ipsum ante, vel egestas enim tincidunt quis. Pellentesque vitae congue neque, vel mattis ante. In vitae tempus nunc.